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Writer's pictureAshley


We are off to South Carolina for the next two months and as I sit back I thank God for all the twists, turns, and valleys that have brought us here.

I am taking a short travel assignment to help out my “home” in healthcare. Over the last 6 months, I have just felt so strongly called to use my skills in healthcare to help with so many staffing shortages. Every time I would see one of my former co-workers posts or even watch news articles about my hospital I just wanted to go help. It just didn’t seem possible living 500 miles away.

Then last month I received a random text from a recruiter looking for temporary help at the hospital I used to look at. We didn’t even question-we were going.

We have had some new projects on our hearts and we see God working through this opportunity to serve in healthcare to make those visions come to life.

This season is one of stripping away so many things in order to be fully prepared to serve God and what he is putting in front of us. If I’m being transparent I don’t even fully know what those plans are, but we are trusting that God has new adventures in store for us. Well, really it’s like: TRUST GOD, TRUST GOD, thoughts of doubt from the enemy creep in, dive back into the word, TRUST GOD, TRUST GOD….repeat the whole cycle over and over until we finally come to peace with our decision.

This decision is one we are at full peace with so for now we are going to enjoy this adventure. We cannot wait to be back in our old town, visit our favorite places, and even have some stretches off for beach trips and exploring. I also plan to host some prayer and workouts while we are down there!! So if you live in South Carolina let me know!

The best part is nothing changes about my coaching business! I am SO thankful that God presented this gift to me so that we could take a leap of faith and say yes to this. Coaching seemed like a huge leap 4 years ago. It was scary, I had no idea if it would even work, and now it is allowing us to open even more doors to explore.

Here’s what I want to hit home.

1). Don’t ignore God’s calls in your life. He’s had to open our eyes in some hard ways to get us to trust him when the signs have been there all along that we ignored. If you keep pushing him away he WILL get your attention and it likely will be a hard season that forces you to lean on him. I’m stubborn and take a long time to change my ways, don’t be like me ;)

2). Trust HIS timing. This came exactly when we needed it and after months and months of prayers and wondering how to make all our plans work. If it would have presented itself in another season we may not have jumped like we are now.

3). Be flexible! God’s plan might involve twists and turns! Just go one step at a time.

4). Know that your career might go through seasons. I loved healthcare, but in the early season of motherhood, it was leaving me burnt out and exhausted. I needed this last season to be fully present as a mom and learn the skills I’ve obtained in my coaching business. All the steps are interconnecting and helping shape me into whatever God has in store for me next (I have a hunch what that is and I'm SO excited, we will share more details soon).

5). Even on the hardest and darkest of days when you have no clue where you’re going, where God is, or if you are completely off track-trust HIM. If you keep your heart open to him, he will always lead you exactly where you are meant to be.

Here are the Bible verses that I’ve kept on my desk over the last few months as I have just felt internal conflict on where God wanted me and how he wants to use me:

Proverbs 19:21: Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s plan that prevails.

Proverbs 3: 5-6: Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.”

Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Finally, a prayer to close this one out: God, I want to serve you in the big decisions, but also in the small decision. Help me to lean on you in all my choices throughout the day so I can take this journey of life WITH you. Remind me that my journey may not look like what I expected, but that if I follow your call in my heart it will be everything you created me to be. AMEN <3

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